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Book Description
- Title:
- Wiclif and Hus
- Author:
- Johann Loserth [1846-1936]
- Publication Year:
- 1884
- Location:
- London
- Publisher:
- Hodder & Stoughton
- Pages:
- 366
- Subjects:
- Jan Hus, John Wycliffe, Medieval Church History
- Copyright Holder:
- Public Domain
- Preface
- Note by the Translator
- Introduction
- Wiclifism in Bohemia Down to the Time of its Condemnation by the Council of Constance
- Condition of Ecclesiastical Affairs in Bohemia in the time of Charles IV
- The so-called Precursors of the Hnssite Movement
- The First Controversy on the Lord's Supper
- Wiclifism in Bohemia
- Wiclifite Currents and Counter-currents dming the years 1403–1409
- The Burning of Wiclif's Books
- The Controversy on Indulgences in Prague, of the year 1412
- Hus in Exile.—The Tractate concerning the Church.—Attempts at Union, and Eventual Triumph of Wiclifism
- Hus at Constance.—Condemnation of Wiclifism
- Wiclifism in the Writings of Hus
- The Three First Sections of Hus' Tractate De ecclesia, and their Source.—The Doctrine concerning-the Church.
- The Sections concerning the Head and the Members of the Church, in Hus' Tractate of the Church
- The Doctrine of the Papacy and of t\)e Power of the Keys, in the Dissertation concerning the Church
- Other Sources of the Tractate De ecclesia, and of the Tractates against Palecz, Stanislas of Znaim, and the Eight Doctors
- The Tractate of Hus De ablacione temporalium a clericis, and its Source
- The Tractate of Hus against the Papal Indulgence, and its Sources
- The Tractate De sex erroribus, and its Sources
- The Employment of other of Wiclif's Tractates by Hus
- Wiclifism in the Last Writings of Hus
- Some Observations on the Hussite Doctrine in its Relation to Wiclif
- Appendix
- On the Number of Churches and Villages in Bohemia at the Beginning of the Fifteenth Century
- Extracts from the Book of Visitation of the Diocese of Prague (of the year 1379)
- On Konrad of Waldhausen
- On Mathias of Janow
- Notice having Reference to the Burning of Wiclif's Books
- The Defence of Certain Tractates of Wiclif, made by John H us, J acoh of Mies, Simon of Tissnow, Prokop of Pilsen, Zdislas of Zwierzeticz, and John of Giczin
- Jacob of Mies defends the Decalogue of John Wiclif
- Simon of Tissnow defends Wiclif's Tractate De probacionibus proposicionum
- Prokop of Pilsen defends Wiclif's Tractate De ideis
- Zdislas of Zwierzeticz defends Wiclif's Tractate De Universalilbus
- Selections from the Defence made by John of Giezin
- Concerning the Appeal of Hus to the Pope
- The Letter of Benessius Pr.edicator, to John Hus
- Letter of Stanislas of Znaim to Katharina, Widow of Peter of Krawar, called, "of Plumnow "
- The Recantation of Peter of St. Clement
- A Chronicler's Notice on the Ejection from the Windows (of the Town Hall) in 1419
- The Missa Wicleflstarum (Invectives against the \'Viclifites in Bohemia)
- Supplementary
- Index