The Venerable Bede. The Fathers for English Readers
George Forrest Browne [1833-1930]

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Book Description

The Venerable Bede. The Fathers for English Readers
Publication Year:
Venerable Bede, Medieval Church History
Copyright Holder:
Public Domain

George Forrest Browne [1833-1930], The Venerable Bede. The Fathers for English Readers

Table of Contents

  1. The Personal History of Bede;
    Appendix A.—List of Bede's Writings
    Appendix B.
    The Title "Venerable"
  2. The Conversion of Northumbria
  3. The Second Conversion of Northumbria
  4. Christianity in Northumbria to the Time of Bede
  5. The British Christians
  6. Bede's Writings. The Ecclesiastical History, and the Lives of the Abbats of Wearmouth and Jarrow
  7. Bede's Writings. The Life of St. Cuthbert
  8. The Homilies of Bede
  9. A Sermon by Bede
  10. Presages and Miracles
  11. The State of Morals in Bede's Time
  • Conclusion

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