G.S.M. Walker, The Growing Storm. Sketches of Church History from A.D. 600 to A.D. 1350

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London: The Paternoster Press, 1961. Hbk. pp.252.

This book is in the Public Domain.

G.S.M. Walker, The Growing Storm. Sketches of Church History from A.D. 600 to A.D. 1350


  • Preface
  1. Gregory the Great
  2. Boniface an the Conversion of Northern Europe
  3. Alcuin and the Carolingian Renaissance
  4. The East from Leo the Isaurian to Michael Cerularius
  5. The Hildebrandine Reform
  6. The First Crusade
  7. Anselm and the Rise of Scholasticism
  8. Abelard and Bernard of Clairvaux
  9. The Waldensians
  10. The Pontificate of Innocent III
  11. Francis and his Followers
  12. The Dominicans; Aquinas; and the German Mystics
  13. The Last Crusader
  14. The Missionary Zeal of Raymond Lull
  15. Dante and the Dawn of a New Age
  • Bibliography
  • Index

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